Our Story

Foley Public Affairs, led by long-respected political veteran Helen Foley, partners with clients committed to working together to make Nevada a better place to live and do business. Helen Foley was born with public service in her blood. The Foley family has served in public office in Nevada for 92 consecutive years. From federal and state judges to attorney general, district attorneys, university regent, and state senators, the Foleys have always given back to the community.

Continuing the Foley family’s generations-long commitment to Nevada, from their roots in mining-era Goldfield, to storied experience on the bench, to Ms. Foley’s experience as a Nevada Assemblywoman and Senator and into the business world, she continues to focus on the passion and respect her family has always held for the Silver State.

The genesis of Foley Public Affairs springs from a life-long love of public service. As President of Public Affairs at Faiss Foley Warren for more than 22 years, Ms. Foley has represented with the same diligence major industries as she has many not-for-profit organizations. She understands lawmakers and their responsibilities to their constituents because she was a legislator. Her attention to detail and sincerity in the way she approaches lobbying separates her from the cookie cutter approach often found in this business. Ms. Foley provides advice and counsel on numerous community issues and was awarded a lifetime community achievement award in 2019 by the Junior League of Las Vegas for her dedication to public service. In addition, she is held in such high regard by her fellow lobbyists that she was inducted into the Lobbyist Hall of Fame.

Helen Foley, Don Snyder, and Tina Quigley touring the Salt Lake City, UT light rail system with the TRAC Committee.

Helen Foley files to run for the Nevada Assembly at the age of 26 surrounded by the Foley family.

Helen Foley greeting First Lady Michelle Obama in 2006 when she served as Vice Chair of the NV Obama Steering Committee.

Ready to tackle the NV Legislature during a snowstorm.

888 Pinehurst Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89109


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